Important prerequisites for doctoral studies
Formal requirements
- Successful completion of a degree program from a higher education institution: The key prerequisite is a completed university degree in a subject relevant to the doctoral dissertation project (Diplom, Magister, or master’s degree; first Staatsexamen (state examination)) or a comparable degree from a university of applied sciences (see admission requirements in Section 4 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations MIN Faculty (2018)).
- Supervision: Students interested in completing a doctorate in the MIN Faculty will first need to find a supervisor and identify a suitable research topic (see Section 7 subsection 3 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations MIN Faculty (2018) for the groups of persons who may be appointed as supervisors in the MIN Faculty).
- Successful application for admission to doctoral procedures: See Section Admission for more details.
Please note: An application for admission to the doctoral procedure must be submitted to the responsible subject doctoral committee before work on the doctoral dissertation project commences (Section 4 subsection 1 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations MIN Faculty (2018)). Prospective doctoral researchers must thus apply for admission to doctoral procedures at the latest at the start of their doctoral work (generally at the start of the scholarship or employment).
Language requirements
- Many research groups use English and German to communicate.
- The doctoral dissertation can usually be written in English or German (see Section 8 subsection 2 of the Doctoral Degree Regulations MIN Faculty (2018)).
- Forms and important information (e.g. the doctoral degree regulations) are available in both English and German.
- A language test or proof of language proficiency is not required for admission to doctoral procedures.
Advices on obtaining a visa
Prospective international doctoral researchers can apply for admission to the doctoral procedure at an early stage and use the acceptance letter and enrollment at Universität Hamburg to apply for an entry visa.
Further information on applying for a visa is available from the Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt). Many graduate schools also support the doctoral researchers in the visa application process.
Do you have any questions?
Our academic tutors and the Buddy program for doctoral researchers offer individual advice for your first steps in Hamburg.
The graduate schools at the MIN Faculty can also answer further questions and support you in planning your doctoral studies. Please contact your coordinator accordingly.
The possibility of funding, if not secured in advance, will usually be clarified together with the supervisor.